일본 카이로스 개척위원회에서 주관한 '일본 교회의 선교동원 및 일본 내 카이로스 활성화'를 위한 회의가 2/12(수) 일본 도쿄에서 있었습니다.
<일본 카이로스 회의>
0. 주관: 일본 카이로스 개척위원회
1. 참석자(총 7명)
제임스 목사(동아시아 지역대표)
류재중 선교사(한국카이로스 대표, 일본카이로스 개척대표)
다니엘 황 목사(Care Ministry International 대표, 일본카이로스 개척팀)
전은표 선교사(한국카이로스 동원전략디렉터)
후쿠이 장로(Tokyo International Church, Care Ministry Japan 이사장 대리)
이타 목사(전 Kansai Bible Institute 학장)
K선교사 (OMF)
2. 토의
1) 참가자 소개
2) 일본 카이로스 역사
3) 최근 일본에서 가진 일본어, 중국어, 한국어 카이로스 과정 현황
4) 일본 교회가 선교적으로 동원될 수 있는 방안
5) 카이로스가 일본 교회를 섬길 수 있는 방법
6) 일본 내에서 카이로스 운동이 재활성화 될 수 있는 방안
7) 구체적인 실행방안
3. '일본 교회의 선교동원 및 일본 내 카이로스 활성화'구체적인 실행방안
1) 카이로스 일본어판 재개정: 8월말까지 후쿠이 장로가 Tokyo International Church내의 번역팀과 논의해서 번역함
2) 2020년 안에 일본어 카이로스 2회 이상 개설
a. Kansai Bible Institute에서 9월 중순에 선교훈련의 일환으로 일본어 카이로스 개설
b. Tokyo International Church에서 상반기 혹은 하반기에 일본어 카이로스를 도쿄에서 개설
c. Care Ministry International에서 FTC를 일본어로 오사카에서 개설
3) 차기 모임:
- Tokyo International Church에서 카이로스를 개설하는 주의 목요일에 차기 모임을 갖기로 함.
4. 기도제목
1) 일본교회와 성도들 안에 하나님이 열방을 통해 영광받으시는 소망이 더욱 넘치도록
2) 일본교회와 성도들이 선교적인 공동체, 선교적인 그리스도인이 되는데 카이로스가 동역하도록
2) 일본인 HF 3명이상으로 구성된 일본카이로스위원회가 하나님의 때에 잘 세워지도록
A Report on the consultation to reactivate Simply Mobilizing Japan
on February 12, 2020.
A. Date, Venue, Programs, and Participants
1. Date: February 12, 2020. (from 3 to 8 pm.)
2. Venue: TIC guest house in Sibuya, Japan
3. Programs
3 – 4:30 pm: a preparation meeting (James, Huang, and Jay)
4:30 – 7 pm: a general meeting (7 people)
7 – 8:30 pm: dinner
4. Participants:
James Chak |
SM EA Region Coordinator NNCT of SM Japan |
Honorary Advisor of Asian Outreach Hong Kong |
Jay Ryu |
NC of Kairos Korea NNC of SM Japan |
HuangDaniel |
NNCT of SM Japan |
Executive Director of CMI |
Eunphoy Jeon |
NCT of Kairos Korea Director in Mobilization and Strategy of Kairos Korea |
Global Partnership |
Fukui Masatake |
FT |
Acting General Secretary of CMI Japan Elder of Tokyo International Church |
Yusaku Ota |
Former Principal of Kansai Bible Institute |
Suzuki Keimei |
OMF, Tokyo International Church |
B. General Meeting
1. Reviewing the history and current status of SM movement in Japan
In 1999, the 1st course was held at Jesus Family Church in Osaka that was called condensed “World Mission Course,” with Rev. Ian Caro came from Philippines and facilitated the course. Linda Harding working for World Outreach helped courses. Jesus Family Church used the course for mission training.
Between 1999 and 2004, a few courses were run.
In 2005, the 3rd edition course was held in Kyushu for pastors and leaders.
Between 2005 to 2008, 3 courses were opened at Jesus Family Church for the students from Kansai and Nagoya.
In 2008, the video “Island Flame” came out, as a result of the mission effort of Jesus Family Church.
Between 2009 and 2013, Kansai Bible Institute put Kairos into its curriculum.
In 2014, Kairos course with 4th edition was held in Tokyo for once and then stopped.
2. Reporting the ministries
1) KBI
From 2009, KBI put Kairos into its curriculum but stopped in 2013, to begin Mosaic, another mission program. The new principal decided to resume the course. |
Rev. Ota served in Indonesia for 7 years and came to serve KBI as principal in Osaka. After he came there 3 years, his wife joined Kairos at Jesus Family Church and her feedback was very good. Rev. Ota decided to run Kairos as one of the mission courses in KBI.
Kairos seems to be tagged with Pentecost denomination, so that there is limitation for other denominations to join the course.
2) Care Ministries International Japan
In 2017, CMI Japan was begun. (it considered Kairos, TEE, and Perspectives for training programs.) In 2018, 1st Kairos course was facilitated by CMI in Tokyo in Mandarin. In 2019, 3 courses (2 at Tokyo, 1 at Osaka) and 1 FTC. Most of participants are churches pastors and lay leaders. |
CMI has 10 HFs, in US, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan and CAN. There are 2 HFs in Japan: Daniel Huang and He Huang. There are Facilitators coming close to HF level, including a dentist (Ph.D.) couple. They are from Beijing, applying jobs in Japan, and speaking Japanese well.
3) Kairos Korea in Japan
Kairos course and FTC by Kairos Korea near Tokyo (10 graduates/FTs) in Korean language.stIn October 2018, 1 course (7 graduates) were held in Korean languagendIn August 2019, 2 |
Some of Korean missionaries in Japan asked Kairos Korea to open the course in Japan on June 2018.
Before the request, Kairos Korea tried to design a special course for Korean senior pastors in Korea. One of problems was that they are too busy to join the course. If we have Kairos in Korea, they cannot focus on the course, so that we invited them to join the course in Japan.
4) Osaka
Jo Graham serves Biwan church at Osaka.
Yoshi Yamamoto (HF, female, layperson, living at Osaka) is willing to serve Kairos. She has Japanese FT team. 3 FTs wants to serve Kairos. She has run the course once in Tokyo and found it too challenging for her to do a second one.
5) Others
There are Kairos graduates who are fluent in Japanese and Chinese at the Beijing International Church.
There are also Kairos graduates in Japan from KBI, from Dulos Hope, and with JCC in Tokyo.
3. Evaluation and suggestion on Kairos and SM ministries
Strength |
* good tool to mobilize Japanese churches. * fit for students. |
Weakness |
* it is too long for participants who were too busy to participate. * not fit for busy ministers. * FT system seem to hinder to promote the course. (We need to share all values and principle in Kairos) |
Suggestion |
* Shorter programs are needed. (we can introduce ETI, TUS, and Interface) * Bringing up more HFs. (There were only intensive courses because HFs were from overseas. If we have more HFs in different cities, then they can open regular courses locally.) * a special course for ministers. (If we have a course for ministers in a cozy facility with relax schedules, they could have more motivation to participate.) |
4. Plans in 2020
* 2-3 courses at Tokyo and Osaka and 1 FTC are expected in Chinese. (Rev. Huang and Elder Fukui tries to set the date for Kairos in TIC) * FTC will be held from 23-25 May in Osaka. |
* KBI will open Kairos in Sep. 8-12. |
Kairos Korea |
* In August 2020, a course is scheduled for Korean pastors in Korea and Korean missionaries in Japan. * There are opportunities to work together with Tyrannus International Mission (Korean mission organization) in Osaka |
5. To-do lists
1) Revising the Japanese reader by July
Elder Fukui will find people in TIC in order to revise Japanese reader by July.
2) Reader revision contract with SMI
Jay will send an email to Kay for a contract with SMI asap.
3) Running a revised edition course or a refreshing course
We can open a course named “a revised edition course,” or “a refreshing course”
4) Next gathering with more people
Next gathering would be during KBI course at Osaka on Thursday in September (We can invite Yoshi) or during Chinese FTC course at Tokyo on Thursday in July.
We need to rebuild our network and invite graduates, supporters, etc. We can invite as follow; Takashi (Jesus Family Church), Yoshi Yamamoto, Hikari Mazuzaki (Japan Antioch Mission, OM, completed Kairos in English), Sun Xiang Leung, Yang Wo, Wu Xian Leung, Simiz Kanadaka (in Sizuoka), Tsukuba (TIC), Jeong Young Cheol (regional director of GMS), Cho Namsoo (GMS), and Jaon Junker (Team Mission Japan).
A Report on the Simply Mobilizing Japan NNCT Meeting
on February 12, 2020.
Date: February 12, 2020. (from 8 to 10 pm.)
Venue: TIC guest house in Sibuya, Japan
Participants: Jay Ryu (NNC), James Chak (RC), Daniel Huang (Operation Coordinator)
1) Course fee
We set 140 USD for Kairos; 40 USD for NCT royalty and 100 USD for running expenses. SM Japan would decide a reasonable fee later, after they are formed.
2) TUS
Rev. Daniel will have TUS course and evaluate it later. We focus Kairos first and try to translate TUS in the meantime. We can ask Elder Fukui to find people for TUS translation
3) Promoting SM international Conference
It was supposed to be held on September 21-25, 2020, which is now postponed to September 20-24, 2021. We try to invite people there.
4) Inviting Rev. Daniel Huang as Operation Coordinator
We want to invite Rev Huang as Operation Coordinator in SM Japan. We need to depend heavily on Elder Fukui for the running of the coming courses, in printing the Japanese Reader on demands, ordering Chinese Readers from Malaysia, possibly printing English TUS Reader on demand, and even the Korean Readers as well. However, with the limitation of his English, we would need to depend on Daniel to instruct him to do so. We asked Rev. Huang to have a responsibility formally with this role.
5) Inputting information to Course Manager Program
Jay puts information regarding the courses in Korean language to course manager soon.